I have my first 32km run EVER under my belt. I decided to run it on the warmest spring day on record in the afternoon. It was a kick in the pants I'll tell you that much. Our bodies really do need to adjust to different climates. Two weeks prior my water bottles were freezing as I ran. Yesterday, I ran out of water at the 13km mark. Man it was HOT!!! I was reminded why I take the summer's off running.
Other than not being adjusted to the temperature, I ran without a hat...something I never do in the summer. I turned west at the 9km mark, and that sun BEAT down on me for over an hour and a half. It was a tough one that is for sure. I'm burnt and a little worn out.
One of my water bottles had a leak, and I ran out of water early on. It is SO important to hydrate well during a race. At that point it was not only water but electrolytes I needed. I was losing so much salt I could FEEL it on my face. seriously.
I thank God for two complete strangers who filled my bottles up along the way, and for my amazing friends who had a water and sponge station for me at the 23km and 26km mark. That was wonderful. I'm pretty sure that if they did not provide me that refreshment I would have quit right there. Actually I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for them, I COULDN'T have made it in that heat without enough water. My body felt like it was on FIRE!!
The run was a bit of a kick in the pants, but I got it done and that is all that matters. I just have to now switch to morning runs, which is fine because that is when the race is. Sometimes it takes things to knock you down before you readjust....right Anita?? lol
So....32km down, and 8 weeks to go and 68 days until the marathon. I'm positive I can do this, as long as I make a few adjustments. I'm also praying my running partner a swift recovery to help me plug along the road. I miss her.
Happy Running
readjusting... :(
Miss you too :(
OMG!! That's soo awesome. So proud of you. You are my hero! I can't even imagine running that far let alone running that distance in the heat. I'm still working on my own distance..10K. haha Nothing compared to you. But, with me being a new runner I know that there is definitely a lot to learn. I'm still having trouble with the hydrate during the run part. It goes through me too fast. I am worried that if I drink during my run that I wouldn't make it to the finish without having to stop for the toilet. lol Sad, but true. So yeah.. don't know how you do it.
Thanks for sharing. I'll definitely keep pushing myself as I read as you are pushing yourself also.
Mrs White
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