I manage a country homestead and the lives of my 4 babies ages 10,8,5 and 3. I LOVE TO RUN and NEED to keep healthy and fit for my SANITY!! Seriously....All problems are solved when I am running.

Making MY health a priority allows me to be the mother and wife that I need to be for them.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Updates and Information...

I have not been posting much because I will be honest with you...I have not been running much and have felt a little less fit than usual.  I don't like to post the negative too much because I would much rather be inspiring than for you to read about my slump.

I've been running at least once or twice a week since taking the summer off of running. I've lost the 3 or so pounds I gained exercising too little and eating too much over the summer.  My body likes to run so I knew it would not be long before I felt comfortable in my jeans again.

I will admit to you that most of my slump has to do with not liking what I see in the mirror.  This age thing is not sitting well with me, and I would have MUCH rather have seen my birthday come and go without notice. Unfortunately the ever increasing grey hair, wrinkles and saggy skin just does not go away.  I know I'm being completely vain and that is a problem. I need to embrace my age as it is inevitable, but I'm just being honest here. I don't like my body right now but I have not yet found the motivation to begin the weight training that I know I should.
Weight training  is the ONLY thing that WILL help my muscles and skin tone. I know that. I guess I was and am still sort of hoping that I will be the only human being this rule does not apply to.  Running keeps me skinny, but skinny and flabby is not so pretty ;)

Moving on...

Other than wallowing in self pity for a few months I have also been doing a TON of research.  My son has been suffering from a SERIOUS rash since April of this year.  He has undergone a series of testing and we have concluded that he is allergic to both wheat and dairy.  This new information has sparked research on my part about wheat and dairy.

I have been BLOWN AWAY by the information I've acquired.  My new found knowledge is too vast for this one blog post so I will just say this....

The Wheat and Dairy industry is KILLING US.  That was pretty harsh right?  Well I have reasons for saying that but for now just trust me when I say that if you limit your wheat and dairy intake for a week or so you most likely will see HUGE improvements in your overall health.   That sounds a little better doesn't it?

If you don't believe me I urge you to read the book Wheat Belly NOW.  If you don't want to do that, go to YouTube and type in Underground Wellness and check out Sean Croxton's short and informative videos on wheat and dairy.

You will thank me later. ESPECIALLY if you are overweight in any way and are wondering WHY YOU ARE NOT LOSING THE FAT!! (yes I'm yelling at you ), if you suffer from depression, arthritis or any other autoimmune disease.

Moving on again....

This is what I get for not blogging in way way too long.

I do have more exciting news for you.

1) One, I had the opportunity to teach 2 health and nutrition classes in my kids school this past month. THAT  was probably the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me for so many different reasons...

2) It looks like the FULL MARATHON is now back on my event list for 2012. This I will definitely talk more about later as I'm doing it for a dear friend and her incredible boy and I'm going to be asking you once again to help me this year to change a life.

3) I've been working on giving up my addictions and crutches. This is a struggle for me but something I feel is necessary in order for me to become fit in mind body and soul.  You can pray for me on this one because let's be honest here...I'm a human being and I struggle just like you do.  When I'm feeling a little stronger I will blog about it but right now I feel like remaining a little more anonymous about my issues. 

That's it. I need to blog more often....

Perhaps soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for dear friends, and I think he's incredible too :) Thank you! Sarah