I manage a country homestead and the lives of my 4 babies ages 10,8,5 and 3. I LOVE TO RUN and NEED to keep healthy and fit for my SANITY!! Seriously....All problems are solved when I am running.

Making MY health a priority allows me to be the mother and wife that I need to be for them.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Taking the week off of running has been good for my knee. I have managed a couple of bike rides and Yoga, and took advantage of the hot tub at the YMCA while my kids were in swimming lessons. (I'm liking that part)


I gave blood Thursday night. I figured why not, since I am FINALY, not pregnant,nursing,on medication, have low iron, or had a blood transfusion.
So...I really did not have an excuse when my husband went in for his 20th donation.

Except...my blood pressure was 98/56 and my Iron JUST made the cut. But...I did it anyway.

All I can say is that for the last two days I have felt SERIOUSLY DRAINED.....I just think a pint for me was just too much for my little body.

I can only compare this 'drainage' to the tired feeling of the first Trimester in pregnancy.

Oh I could only hope....Now THAT would be exciting.

1 comment:

Banu said...

love your blog. i share the same love for being fit and for homeschooling, being a mom, etc. im a swimmer and a kettlebeller. check out my site at http://web.mac.com/banu0806